Thursday, 1 March 2012

Less eggs, more water

Guess what? I know its only day two and I shouldn't be weighing myself everyday because of ups and downs blah blah blah but I did it anyway. And I've lost a kilo!

Don't worry, it will be back to visit tomorrow (work function involving pizza) but I want to celebrate for the time being. Yes I have had some bad foods but I'm never going to be able to give up chocolate, never. I have also done some good; walking and drinking 2L water each day.

Here are all the things I have eaten today (I always feel this list is super long but when I break it down meal by meal it seems ok so I guess I'll get over it eventually). A large glass of low-fat milk, a tub of low fat yogurt, a cup of tea with one sugar, leftover healthy lentil shepherds pie, an apple, a stick of extra sharp tasty cheese, 2L water, an apricot, 3 small solid Easter eggs, a steak, mashed potato, carrots, steamed beans and a can of Pepsi max.

Not too bad hey? I have cut down my easter eggs slightly and deliberately chose not to take a can of diet coke to work and instead had water with my lunch. I also made a deal with myself that I had to finish my entire bottle of water (600ml) before I could have the eggs. This was partially to motivate me to drink more water but also to make sure I am reading my body's signals correctly. I have read that a lot of overweight people think their body is saying 'hungry' when it is actually saying 'thirsty' so if I can I will be drinking some water before I snack to see if it reduces the urge.


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